Runh Power is an EPC contractor and complete equipment supplier, which is founded in 1996. With 28 years development, Runh Power has performed more than 100 international power projects in Turkey, Ukraine, India, etc. Our service and products are highly appreciated by the owner. And we mainly own the following advantages:
1 Professional design institute:
We own independent design institute--Runh Power design institute, about 50 experienced and
Professional engineers for all systems of power plant in our design institute, they could make proposals for power projects of various sizes.
2 Cost effective equipments:
We establish cooperative relationship with domestic well-known OEMs, their products employs the most advanced technology and their quality could be guaranteed. And they provide equipments for us with a relatively competitive price. Besides, we have undertaken 28 international power projects which also could prove that our products and services are very competitive.
3 Competitive delivery time:
Time is very important, especially for power projects and we could guarantee and provide competitive delivery time. In order to achieve this goal, we mainly have 4 steps:
Step 1: Design, our design institute could guarantee the design schedule;
Step 2: Manufacturing, our cooperative OEMs will arrange our order preferentially;
Step 3: Local branch, we have 4 local branch in domestic, and they will manufacture the manufacturing schedule and quality of our orders.
Step 4: Rich experienced and professional team, our team have accumulated rich experience and they could solve the problems and risks and avoild potential delays in delivery.

Scope of service includes :
A. EPC (Engineering, Purchase & Construction) project of power plant plus financing service.
Power plant project on EPC basis (or "on turnkey basis") is characterized by the overall package solution provided by the contractor. Runh Power's service covers survey all the way till final acceptance.
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1. Thermal power plant EPC project
Thermal power plants refer to power plants generating power from fossil fuel, such as coal, heavy oil or natural gas. Thermal power plant, being the most common in the world, has been a speciality of Runh Power since its very foundation.
2. Biomass power plant EPC project
Biomass such as bagasse, bark, straw, stalk of plants has become a good resource of fuel for power plants in the last decade. The ash is often collected and processed to fertilizer for additional economic gain. Runh Power is well experienced in building biomass power plants in Ecuador & Pakistan.
3. Animal dung power plant EPC project
Treatment of livestock's dung can be a real headache, especially for ranch owners or dairy farmers. However, with the help of CFB boiler provided by Runh Power, it can be good resource of fuel just as coal or biomass.
4. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) power plant EPC project
Other than being buried in landfill, garbage can find its way to boiler. Runh Power has profound expertise in aspects such as selection of combustible waste, eco-friendly treatment of ash, etc.
B. EPC project of Steam Turbine Island (STI)
Steam turbine island refers to a steam turbine along with all the accessories and auxiliary systems, including turbo-generator set,condensation system and various sub-systems.
C. Steam turbine
1. Back pressure turbine: Best known for its simple structure, low maintenance cost and relatively high thermal efficiency.
2. Condensing steam turbine : Popular for its wide range of power (3 to 60MW) and the convenience of repurposing by adding additional steam extraction exit.
3. Condensing & extracting steam turbine (a.k.a cogeneration unit): welcomed for its application in power plants and cogeneration, convenience in switching between the condensing unit and cogeneration unit by simply adjusting the extraction rate.
4. Condensing & double extracting steam turbine: Mostly used for cogeneration purpose. It's structure allows to to produce steam of two sets of parameters, such as temperature, pressure, flow, to be extracted from two exits for different purposes, which makes it popular in industies such as food-processing or phamarciuticals where steam of different parameters are often needed.
5. Inducting steam turbine: Being able to fully exploit residual heat from steam, a byproduct in cement, food processing, etc, allows it to maximize ecomonic viability by generating power.
D. Spare parts and quick-wear parts.
1. In case the owner of power plant prefers to do maintenance independent of Runh Power's assistance, Runh Power is also glad to provide a wide range of parts, especially quick-wear parts constantly needed in regular maintenance.
Industrial Customized Mixed Pressure Steam Turbine for Electricity Generation
Steam Turbine Island EPC Contractor of Power Plant
1-100MW Industrial Solar PV Power Plant EPC Contractor
Biomass Firing Circulating Fluidized Bed Steam Boiler